
This is the fourth generation of the Spray Record keeping system and it keeps getting better and better. We've included every essential feature that owners, field managers and growers need to quickly plan, record, and share spray data.

  • USDA and WSDA Approved

    USDA and WSDA Approved

    Our spray reports are approved by Washington State Dept Agriculture and USDA. SprayReports.com reports can be used for compliance reporting in most states. If you need something new, let us know.

  • GLOBALG.A.P. Certified

    GLOBALG.A.P. Certified

    SprayReports format is accepted by GLOBALG.A.P., the leading farm certification program.

  • Paperless


    Send completed electronic reports to packing houses, buyers or inspectors. Send recommendations to the off-site applicators. Send purchase orders to suppliers. Enjoy production and profitability without the hassle of filing and storing paperwork.

  • We grow with you

    We grow with you

    Unlimited number of logins, ranch locations, blocks, varieties, commodities, employees, equipment, chemical suppliers

  • Security and backups

    Security and backups

    All your records are stored on secure servers and automatically backed up every day.

  • Templates and Mixes

    Templates and Mixes

    Mixes are the spray recipe and can be saved in various forms (By season, by chemical type,etc) Templates include saving the entire spray record except for date, time, temperature, wind direction.

  • Chemical database

    Chemical database

    Use our standard chemical database that includes the most commonly used chemicals and/or add our own. Organic chemicals are designated with a green leaf for easy recognition. Mark your 'favorites' so they show up at the top of the chemical list for quick access.

  • Free 30-day Trial

    Free 30-day Trial

    Try out our software with no limits, for free, for 30 days. Simply pay for your account to continue to manage your information. Free support during your trial to help you get set up quickly.

  • Portability


    Access your records and reports anytime, anywhere using any device with a browser, including tablets and smartphones.

Spray Reports

Every Report You Need

Austen Braendlein, Stadelman Fruit Co, Zillah, WA

“SprayReports.com is by far the best program and I’ve used several. I have a 10 year old Dell computer and am surprised at the agility of SprayReports when using it; I’ve never had any issues. My internet service is fickle at best and often SprayReports.com is one of the few programs I can use consistently. The inventory program is a new feature and I just started using it. It is a very solid program and a considerable time saver.”

Ryan Sakuma, Sakuma Bros. Farm, Mt. Vernon, WA

“I am very pleased with the SprayReports program. It helps me track the cost of all my different sprays, which aids in budgeting the following year. I would recommend this to all field persons and managers.”

Glen Ward, Goose Ridge Winery & Vineyards, Benton City, WA

“From my perspective, Spray Reports is the best spray program on the market. I have used Spray Reports almost from the very start when it was offered it on the market. The program meets all the requirements or exceeds for the State and Federal inspectors. It is also a great tool to meet Global Gap requirements and Salmon Safe.”

Get started now with online spray records management

  1. Start your free trial and explore our features for 30 days.
  2. Free training videos show you how to setup and test your records. Call 1-509-731-3753 consultation or use the Support page.
  3. Continue to use the software on a yearly renewal basis.
  4. Cost is determined by number of logins, starting at $650/year.
Try it free for 30 days ›